Hampton University 83rd Ministers' Conference & 63rd Annual Choir Directors' & Organists' Guild WorkshopImages From This Year's Conference
Executive Secretary/Treasurer Rev. Timothy Tee Boddie addresses the conference during the morning worship experience.
Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker, Pastor of the Canaan Baptist Church, New York was the conference Worship Leader. Here he is proclaiming the gospel in the unique way that is "Wyatt Tee".
Dr. Delores Carpenter of the Howard University School of Divinity addresses the morning session speaking on Christian Education in the New Millennium.
Did You See A Familiar Face?No one can know the names of over 3,000 attendees at the conference. If a name is listed above with a photo it is because we know their name. If you know the name of an individual in a photo and their name is not mentioned, please drop me a line so I can properly identify the person. E-mail me at DarrylMM@SpryNet.Com.
This Page Last Updated Sunday, May 03, 1998