Hampton University 83rd Ministers' Conference & 63rd Annual Choir Directors' & Organists' Guild WorkshopImages From This Year's Conference
One of the hightlights of the week is the Charles H. Flax Memorial Concert on Thursday evening presented by the Choir Directors' and Organists' Guild body of the conference. This 1,000 voice ensemble triumphantly heralds the glory and majesty of Almighty God in song. Although a picture is worth a thousand words, the above picture does not do justice to experiencing the power of this chorus at the Hampton University Convocation Center. The choir has continued to grow over the years and each year, the event seems to be more special than the previous year.
Pictured here is one the male sections of the chorus. One of the beautiful aspects of this choir is the richessness of tone that is represented. Sopranos, altos, tenors and bass can be clearly heard throughout this musical evening.
It takes one with enormous energy and God given gifts to direct such a large throng of voice. Every year, Roland Carter (left, directing the choir) gives 110% to ensure that everything is just right. If there are some mistakes along the way, the congregation never knows it which is the sign of a master at work.
Greg Hopkins (below, right) displays some of his vocal gifts during the concert.
For many conference attendees, the concert represents the last major gathering before the close of the conference as many prepare to return home on Friday morning. So the fellowship following the concert is rich and warm as can be seen in the picture below. Dr. Henry Mitchell (formerly of Virginia Union and current professor at ITC in Atlanta, GA) confers with Roland Carter (Conference Music Director) following the Charles H. Flax Memorial Concert at the Convocation Center.
Dr. J. Wendell Mapson (4th from left), pastor of Monumental Baptist Church, Philadelphia, PA poses for a picture following the Flax Memorial Concert along with his wife (2nd right), son (in front) and other conferences attendees.
Rev. Glen Jones (Conference Morning Song Leader) of San Diego, CA poses with a friend following the Flax Memorial Concert.
Rev. Darryl M. Matthews (center) of York, PA posed with Countess Clark (right) of Washington, D.C. and another conference attendee. Rev. Matthews and Ms. Clark were classmates at Howard University's School of Divinity. The conference provides one with opportunities to renew friendships.
Dr. William Augustus Jones (right) is dialoging with some bretheren at the conclusion of the concert.
Dr. Harold A. Carter, Sr (left) and Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr. (right) are shown here chatting with some friends after the concert. Dr. Carter Sr and Jr are the pastor of the New Shiloh Baptist Church of Baltimore, MD.
Bishop John Bryant (right) presses home a point with some colleagues after the concert.
Did You See A Familiar Face?No one can know the names of over 3,000 attendees at the conference. If a name is listed above with a photo it is because we know their name. If you know the name of an individual in a photo and their name is not mentioned, please drop me a line so I can properly identify the person. E-mail me at DarrylMM@SpryNet.Com.
This Page Last Updated Monday, March 16, 1998